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Bio-Identical Hormone PELLET Replacement Therapy
The Pellet difFERENCE
PelletMD is the first bioidentical hormone replacement pellet therapy serving the Reno, Tahoe, and Carson Valley areas. Our mission, from the beginning, has been to give people their active lifestyles back.

List of Symptoms

  • Low Energy
  • Moodiness and Depression
  • Fatigue and Anxiety
  • Foggy Brain
  • Dry Wrinkly Skin
  • No Sex Drive
  • Weight Gain
  • Erectile Dysfuction
  • Hot Flashes and Night Sweats
  • Insomnia
  • Vaginal Dryness
  • Urinary Incontinence

List of Benefits

  • Increased Sex Drive and Satisfaction
  • Restores Energy Levels
  • Increase Sharpness, Concentration, Memory
  • Improved Sleep and Sense Wellbeing
  • More Stable Moods-Less Irritability & Grumpiness
  • Decreased Body Fat
  • Less Anxiety and Depression
  • Increased sense of Well-being
  • Increased Muscle Mass and Strength
  • Increased Bone Density
  • Reduced likelihood Erectile Dysfunction
  • Relief from Night Sweats and Hot Flashes

The founder of PelletMD received these treatments in San Francisco for three years as they were not offered it in the Tahoe area.  She was determined to find a physician to provide this life changing treatment to the people living in the Carson, Reno, and Tahoe areas. PelletMD was founded because of her commitment to sharing this life changing treatment with others.

The PelletMD medical personal that inserts the pellets are trained with an International Certified Pellet Surgeon. PelletMD also has access to a world renown Bio-Identical Physician for immediate consultations any time there might be an issue or concern.


Aging Backwards

As men and women age, decreasing hormone levels can cause changes to our bodies and minds. When PELLETS are inserted, a steady, low dose of natural hormones flow directly into the blood stream whenever the body needs it. This gives the body the ability to control the release of the hormones just as it did when you were younger.

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A couple with a dog

What are PELLETS?

Bio-identical Hormone PELLETS contain naturally derived hormones that are structurally identical to the ones found in the body. PELLETS are about the size of a grain of rice and are placed just under the skin near the hip. They last 3-4 months in women and 5-7 months in men and they are absorbed naturally by the body.

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A happy couple

Count the benefits

Young Couple doing yoga near a lake
  • Increase energy and physical stamina
  • Preserve skin causing it to be tighter, thicker, and have less wrinkles
  • Delay the symptoms of aging
  • Look younger and improve overall health
  • Strengthen immune system
  • Cure insomnia
  • Enhance sexual performance and regain libido
  • Improves mental function, reduce brain fog
  • Thicken hair and strengthen bones
  • Reverse depression and anxiety
  • Improve cardiac function
  • Lower Blood Pressure
  • Improve sleep and mood
  • Improve mental function - Memory
  • Improve injury healing
  • Strengthen bones
  • Lower LDL, Cholesterol while increasing HDL
  • Help in weight loss and increase muscle mass/tone
Customer Stories
Smiling Woman
If Not Today, When?
Reset your age by getting your life back. Get started and call us today. If PELLETS are right for you, we help you get comprehensive lab work to determine your current levels. Then we schedule your Consult and Pellet Insertion and you are on your way to "Aging Backwards"
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