Our Customers

Our Stories

“I found new motivation at work, and have started numerous projects now my testosterone back in balance. As older men, we lose our stored up testosterone, and I really felt it. I was battling some depression, had a short fuse, and was a little tired most of the time. "
“Peri-menopause came on suddenly in my mid-40’s. I began to experience lack of energy, hot flashes, shorter monthly cycles, sweating, inability to concentrate, repetitive thoughts, anxiety and insomnia. I ignored the symptoms thinking I could control my increasingly erratic mood swings and thought patterns. Unfortunately, I had waited too long and started taking anti-depressants. The anti-depressants did not cure all my symptoms, so I decided to try Hormone Pellet Therapy. I have now eliminated the antidepressant. It is my belief that had I recognized the symptoms and started hormone pellet therapy sooner, I could have avoided a lot of personal pain and the need for antidepressants. I encourage any woman whose quality of life is not at its maximum to look into hormone pellet therapy. The results far outweigh the minimal cost.”
“Gosh! I can not believe how much better I feel with the Testosterone pellets. I wasn’t sure it would work, but now I am a believer!! My Testosterone level was so low and probably has been my whole life. I’m a new woman! Thanks much!!”
“Hormone Pellet Therapy has helped me tremendously with my complete state of being. I feel much more stable with my moods, relationships, and professional life. My relationship with my husband and family is impacted with each treatment. I feel young and vibrant again and mainly stable. The hormone replacement has also helped me with depression and fatigue. I am a much better person now with my constant treatment than ever before. "
“Hormone Pellet Therapy “fixed” so much that was wrong with my hormonal life. It’s a mini fountain of youth! Better sleep, better moods, better sex…yippee!! I’ll never go back.”
Ready to become a success story?
Reset your age by getting your life back. Get started and call us today. If PELLETS are right for you, we help you get comprehensive lab work completed to determine your current levels. Then we schedule your Consult and Pellet Insertion and you are on your way to "Aging Backwards!"
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