Are Pellets right for you?

As men and women age, many suffer from symptoms caused by decreasing levels of vital hormones. Hormone pellets, placed under the skin, continuously release small, physiologic doses of bio-identical hormones providing optimal therapy if...

You are a woman and have:

Mood Swings
Brain Fog
Decreased Sex Drive
Weight Gain
Sleep Problems
Always Feel Cold
Hair Loss/Breakage
Dry/Wrinkly skin
Decreased Mental Ability
Vaginal Dryness
Urinary Incontinence/Urgency
Night Sweats
Hot Flashes

You are a man and have:

Sleep Problems
Weight Gain
Decreased Sex Drive
Poor Sexual Performance
Depressed Mood
Mood Swings
Brain Fog
Decreased Mental Ability
Decreased Muscle Strength
Joint Pain/Muscle Aches
Lack of Motivation
Andropause (male form of menopause)
Lack of Ejaculation

Hormone Pellets may protect, or aid in reducing the impact and treatment of hormonal conditions such as:
Thyroid Health
Heart Disease
High Cholesterol
Re-grows organs that atrophy with age:
Pellets may provide additional benefits for women and men who are experiencing:

BHRT treatment differs from nearly all other medical treatments in that it involves simply adding back to the body a hormone that is already present, albeit in reduced amounts. For this reason, hormone treatments are often referred to as Hormone Supplementation.

Synthetic Hormones Versus Bio-identical Hormones?
Benefits of Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement

Lasts 3-4 months in females

Lasts 5-7 months in males

Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy FAQ

What are Pellets?

Pellets are plant-based hormone substances. They are derived from yams, precisely matching the molecular  structure and function of the human hormones. Pellets are made up of either estradiol or testosterone. The hormones estradiol or testosterone are pressed or fused  into tiny cylinders (Pellets). These pellets are slightly larger than a grain of rice. In the United States, pellets are made  by a licensed compounding pharmacist and delivered in a sterile glass vial.

Where were Pellets first used for hormone replacement?

Pellets have been used in both men and women since the late 1930s. In fact, there is more data to support the use of pellets than any other method of hormone delivery. Pellets are not patented in the United States. They are frequently used in Europe and Australia, where pharmaceutical companies produce pellets. Most of the research on pellets is out of England and Australia, with some from Germany and the Netherlands. Pellets were frequently used in the United States from about 1940 through the late '70s, early 80's when patented estrogens were marketed to the public.

Why are Pellets optimal for hormone replacement?

The body recognizes bio-identical hormones as being natural. This enables them to bind appropriately to the same  receptors as there human counterparts. The body metabolizes bio-identical hormones in the way it was designed to do, and these hormones produce the  same physiologic responses. Thus, bio-identicals can provide vital support to the body's organs, tissues, and cells.  Pellets deliver consistent healthy levels of hormones for 3-4 months for females and 5-7 months for males,  depending on the dosage and activity level. They avoid the fluctuations, or ups and downs, of hormone levels seen with every other  method of delivery. It is the fluctuation in hormones that causes many of the unwanted side effects and symptoms a  patient can experience. Pellets do not increase the risk of blood clots like conventional or synthetic hormone  replacement therapy. In studies, when compared to conventional hormone replacement therapy, pellets  are superior for relief of menopausal symptoms, maintenance of bone density, restoration of sleep patterns, and  improvement in sex drive, libido, sexual response, and performance. Even patients who have failed other types of  hormone therapy have a high success rate with pellets. In addition, there is no other method of hormone delivery  that is as convenient for the patient as pellets.

How and where do you insert the Pellets?

The insertion of pellets is a simple, relatively painless procedure. The pellets are inserted under the skin in the upper buttock area through a small incision, which is steri-strip closure. A Medical Specialist has had specialized training in determining the correct formulation of the dosage of hormones to be used in each individual.

What are the potential complications of inserting Pellets?

A large study (Women's Health Initiative) published in 2002 showed that the risks (blood clots, breast cancer, and  heart attacks) of treatment with oral synthetic hormones outweighed the benefits patients might receive.  Unfortunately, this conclusion was also assumed for bio-identical hormones (BHRT), even though bio-identical  hormones have not been shown to have the same risks as synthetic hormones. Complications are rare but can occur from the insertion of pellets, which include minor bleeding, bruising, and  discoloration of the skin, infection, and possible extrusion of the pellet.  If a patient has diabetes or recently had a  joint replacement, antibiotics may be prescribed. Concerns about a possible link between testosterone replacement and heart attacks were contradicted by a more  extensive, more recent study that indicates an optimal level of testosterone protects men from heart attacks and can  lower cholesterol.

What can I expect after Pellet insertion?

After pellets are inserted, patients may notice that they have more energy, sleep better, and feel happier. Muscle  mass and bone density will increase while fatty tissue decreases. Patients may notice increased strength,  coordination, and physical performance. They may see an improvement in skin tone and hair texture. Concentration  and memory may improve as well as overall physical and sexual health. Extended exposure to moisture (swimming, hot tubs or baths) should be avoided for 4 to 5 days, and vigorous  physical activity should be avoided for 48 hours in women and up to 5 to 7 days in men.

What are the most common side effects when the pellets are first inserted

When a patient first starts hormone therapy, there may be mild, temporary breast tenderness. Hormone receptors may be very sensitive and take time to adjust. There may be temporary water weight gain, which will also resolve on its own. The body will tone up, as bone density and muscle mass increase, and fatty tissue decrease. Patients may experience a mild form of "puberty" as their hormonal levels come up into normal ranges.

How soon will I feel the effects of the Pellets?

Some patients begin to "feel better" within 24-48 hours, while others may take a week or two to notice a difference.  We will always be interested in your wellbeing and progress.

How long do the Pellets last?

The pellets usually last between 3-4 months in women and 5-7 months in men. High levels of stress, physical activity, some medications, and lack of sleep may increase the rate at which the pellet absorbs and may require that pellets be inserted sooner in some patients.

Do the Pellets need to be removed every 3-6 months?

The pellets do not need to be removed as they are time-released, and your body will only absorb what is needed, and they will dissolve on their own. The more active you are, the more your body will absorb pellets.

Do men need hormone replacement?

Testosterone levels begin to decline in men beginning in their 30’s. Most men maintain adequate levels of testosterone into their late 30's. Men should be tested when they begin to show signs of testosterone deficiency. Even men in their 30’s can be testosterone deficient and show signs of bone loss. Most men need to be tested around 40 years of age. It is never too late to benefit from hormone therapy.

Do patients need progesterone when they use the Pellets?

Any time estradiol is prescribed, progesterone is also prescribed. There are progesterone (not progestin) receptors in the bone, brain, heart, breast, and uterus. Progesterone can be used as a topical cream, a vaginal cream, oral capsule, or sublingual drops or capsules. If a patient is pre-menopausal, she will use progesterone the last two weeks of her menstrual cycle.

Do I have to be in menopause to benefit from the pellets?

Hormone therapy with pellets is not just used for menopause. Women, at any age, may experience hormone imbalance. Levels decline or fluctuate, contributing to debilitating symptoms. Pellets are useful in severe PMS, postpartum depression, menstrual or migraine headaches, and sleeping disorders. Pellets may also be used to treat hormone deficiencies caused by the birth control pill.

How are my hormone levels monitored during Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Hormone blood levels will be evaluated before therapy is started. This will include complete comprehensive lab panel, which includes estradiol, total and free testosterone, progesterone, Vitamin D, and Thyroid Panel for women. Men will also do complete comprehensive lab panel, including PSA, estradiol, free estradiol, total and free testosterone, Vitamin D and possibly estrogen prior to starting therapy. Levels will be reevaluated during hormone therapy at 4-6 weeks. After the first year of therapy, hormone levels are checked once a year. The PSA in men is checked every 6-12 months.

Do pellets have the same danger of breast cancer as other forms of hormone replacement?

In the Women's Health Initiative study, it has been largely debunked about the dangers of breast cancer. After a careful look at the data, neither Prempro nor Premarin causes an increased risk of breast cancer. The issue with the synthetic hormones is that they are not recognized by the body and require higher dosing and, thus, more negative side effects. Additionally, oral hormones have to go through the liver (known as the first-pass effect), which increases the risk of cardiovascular complications. Going through the liver also cause an increase of hormone-binding globulin, which decreases intrinsic hormone levels.

Clinical studies show that Bio-Identical testosterone balances estrogen and is breast protective.

This is not true of oral, synthetic methyl-testosterone found in Estratest, which gets converted to a potent synthetic estrogen, which can stimulate breast tissue. In the past, testosterone implants have been used to treat patients with advanced breast cancer. In 1940, it was theorized that treating patients with testosterone implants earlier, at the time of diagnosis, would have an even more significant benefit, preventing recurrence. Androgens have also been shown to enhance the effect of Tamoxifen therapy in breast cancer patients.

Why do many providers say, "There is no data to support the use of Pellets?"

If your health care practitioner says that there is no data to support the use of pellets, he or she is wrong. There is a  big difference between "no data" and not having read the data. It is much easier for busy practitioners to say this  and dismiss the patient than it is to question their beliefs and do the research. There is also data that supports the “long term” safety of hormones delivered by pellets. Please reference Abraham Morgentaler, M.D. (Harvard Professor and world expert) “Testosterone for Life."